CD / Album
1. When I Was Hateful
2. You Were Always Anxious
3. You Didn't Want to Be a Burden
4. The Diagnosis Was Shocking
5. He Was Always There
6. When I Was Fearful
7. You Forgot Our Birthdays
8. Many the Mile I Travelled
9. We Visited You
10. Many the Hour We Travelled
11. Some Days You Were Still There
12. You Said 'It's Really Nice to See You'
13. He's Always There for Me
14. When I Was Worried
15. Everything Was Closing Down
16. Lucid But Downcast
17. Help
18. When I Was Ordinary
19. You and I Had Different Views
20. No More Chains
21. The Revival
22. Never Weather-beaten Sail
23. The Bells of Paradise
24. Myn Lyking
25. The Virgin's Cradle Hymn
26. Quem Pastores Laudavere
27. We Will Remember Them
28. Ave Verum
29. Ave Maria
30. Psalm 150
31. The Pilgrim