Korvaava tuote: 9781442511477 For first year Chemistry majors and non-majors.
In response to market request, we have created a text better suited to Asia Pacific needs by adapting our most trusted book, Chemistry: The Central Science, 10e by Brown, LeMay and Bursten. In doing so, we have responded to three market wishes:
Wish 1: Additional Organic Chemistry content. The text now has 5 Organic Chemistry chapters (Chapters 21 25). These chapters represent an addition of four additional ground-up Organic Chemistry chapters, 400 additional questions and 150 extra illustrations.
Wish 2: A local perspective. At long last an introductory Chemistry text that recognises the local environment, products, processes and terminology, as well as the work of Australian and New Zealand chemists
Wish 3: An all-in-one text. The inclusion of Organic Chemistry content allows lecturers the option of setting a single text. This is not only practical, it is cost effective for students.
This new edition continues the scientific accuracy, clarity, innovative pedagogy, functional problem-solving and visuals of the original version. It teaches students the concepts and skills they will require without overcomplicating the subject, and with more Organic Chemistry content it is a one-stop source of all the information students are likely to need for learning, skill development, reference and test preparation.