The story of Egypt began in 7000BC when the first nomadic tribes settled on the banks of the River Nile. This Timechart traces the history of Ancient Egypt from these earliest times, revealing the growing power of the pharaohs, the building of the pyramids, the tombs and temples, the Sphinx, the Colossi, the magnificent art, hieroglyphics, the impact of the Roman world and all the mysteries that surround this brilliant culture with its secret rites, rich tapestry of lifestyles and the wisdom of the Ancients. As well as the story of its ancient past, this book also uncovers the amazing history of the archaeology and finds, of grave robbers and discoverers, the Tutankhamen story and how the Rosetta stone revealed the meaning of the hieroglyphics. It explains how the treasures, the knowledge of the past and the mysteries of Egypt have endured as subjects of enormous and pertinent interest, right through into this new millennium.