This is a series of Short Stories & Research about a Spirit of Love from the Star System above, entering a World of Newness, on the Planet Earth & what was found out about how The Body, Spirit, & Mind, work together. The Time Traveler is Charlie, a Spirit of Love, who has been Traveling through Time & Space in The Body of Man, in The World of Newness, for 85 years gathering information for the return, into the Star System Above, to report the findings of Travels, to The Worlds Creator. "The theme of this writing is about the "Eternal Spirit of Love" Traveling through "Time & Space, in The time limited "Body" of Man, that is Aging, Changing, & in Slow state of destruction as it travels through Dimensions in Time", and "Planes into Different Worlds" The Writer refers to himself as The Time Traveler or The Traveler, as he reveals information about Laws of The Universe and how those Laws affect Mankind.