CD / Album
1. Forgetful Blues
2. Blue Grass Blues
3. I Never Care 'Bout Tomorrow As Long As I'm Happy Today
4. Shine
5. Oh Baby (Don't Say No, Say Maybe)
6. Superstitious Blues
7. Africa
8. I'm Going Back To Those Who Won't Go Back On Me
9. How Come You Do Me Like You Do?
10. The Meanest Blues
11. Somebody Stole My Gal
12. Evening
13. Mama's Boy
14. Choo-Choo (Gotta Hurry Home)
15. Thais 'Meditation'
16. Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me?
17. One of These Days
18. Jacksonville Gal
19. Nobody's Rose
20. Throw Down Blues
21. Bass Ale Blues
22. Indiana Stomp
23. Military Mike
24. The Chant
25. One Sweet Letter from You
26. Go, Joe, Go
1. I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate
2. Got To Cool My Doggie Now
3. Ji-Ji-Boo
4. You Can Have Him, I Don't Want Him, Didn't Love Him Anyhow Blues
5. Stop Your Kiddin'
6. He May Be Your Man But He Comes To See Me Sometimes
7. Railroad Man
8. Great White Way Blues
9. Ivy (Cling To Me)
10. Aunt Hagar's Blues
11. Four O'clock Blues
12. Farewell Blues
13. That Eccentric Rag
14. Sweet Lovin' Mama
15. Papa Blues
16. Keep It Under Your Hat
17. Henpecked Blues
18. Memphis Glide
19. Papa, Better Watch Your Step
20. Sad News Blues
21. Shufflin' Mose
22. Struttin' Jim
23. Just Hot!
24. That Teasin' Squeezin' Man Of Mine
25. Snuggle Up A Bit
26. Sioux City Sue