This once-secret account of prisoner of war escapes, prepared for the Air Ministry in 1951, draws upon first-hand experience of Germany's notorious camps. Written by a POW who himself tried to escape, it explores the most daring attempts ever made, including those from Colditz, the 'escapers gaol', and Stalag Luft III, where the famous 'Great Escape' tunnel is described by two of the officers who created it. Escape from Germany vividly portrays life in the camp and the meticulous planning behind each escape, from the hollowed-out vaulting horse concealing active tunnels to strategies for gathering intelligence, forging documents and producing clothing and maps. Dramatic true stories reveal the success - and failure - of journeys outside the camps, as fugitive POWs struggle to freedom inside beer barrels, leaping from trains or hidden in ship's coal bunkers. Compelling accounts combine with original photographs, documents and maps to celebrate the spirit and ingenuity of those who battled to be free