Science and art were not always two separate entities. Historically, times of great scientific progress occurred during profound movements in art, the two disciplines working together to enrich and expand humanity's understanding of its place in this cosmos. Only recently has a dividing line been drawn, and this seeming dichotomy misses some of the fundamental similarities between the two endeavors.
At the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Conference on Art, Design and Science, Engineering and Medicine Frontier Collaborations: Ideation, Translation, and Realization, participants spent 3 days exploring diverse challenges at the interface of science, engineering, and medicine. They were arranged into Seed Groups that were intentionally diverse, to encourage the generation of new approaches by combining a range of different types of contributions. The teams included creative practitioners from the fields of art, design, communications, science, engineering, and medicine, as well as representatives from private and public funding agencies, universities, businesses, journals, and the science media.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Conference Summary
Machines and the Human Biome at the Frontier of Medicine Science
Designing a Healthcare System That Promotes Learning and Caring
Imagining New Ways to Use Music in Education and Health
Restoring Physical Intuition
Creating Sustainable Futures in a World Increasingly Dependent on Technology
Developing Programs to Engage and Empower Communities to Address Threats to Ecosystems
Creating Open Data Culture
Creating a Learning Educational System to Identify Benefits of STEM to STEAM
Innovation, Creativity, and Action (Team Summary, Group 1)
Innovation, Creativity, and Action (Team Summary, Group 2)
Harnessing Computers Worldwide to Address Urgent, Global Issues
Developing Art-Science Collaborations to Reduce Cross-Cultural Denialism
Generating Projects That Bring Together the Structure and Systems Between Biology and Art to Create Either Biology or Art
Creating Human-Centered Cultures with Human-Centered Technologies
Preconference Tutorials
Participant List