The Grace of Giving: 10 Principles of Christian Giving
John Stott takes the reader through principles of giving in 2 Corinthians 8 & 9. He writes winsomely, showing how the Apostle Paul urged the Corinthians to give joyfully and generously, in response to Christ's love.This is a beautiful exhortation to consider what to give. The writer finishes by saying that he himself has been caused to reconsider his giving, having worked through these two chapters.We give to the glory of God and in doing so we bring blessing to others; we too are blessed as we give. Churches have found this booklet helpful to encourage new members to consider their giving and all members to consider how they can contribute to building projects or other major initiatives.Sometimes we need to adjust our giving downwards, when circumstances change. John Stott engages with this situation. He writes as a pastor.