Between the covers of this magnificent red Album with a gilded cover you will discover more than 600 of the Gentle Author's favourite pictures of London in print for the first time, setting the wonders of our modern metropolis against the pictorial delights of the ancient city, and celebrating the infinite variety of life in the capital.This is London seen from an easterly direction - as the centre of gravity in the city has shifted, the Gentle Author of Spitalfields Life has amassed a wealth of extraordinary pictures of London with a special emphasis upon the East End.Among the multiplicity of visual pleasures to be savoured, garnered from four centuries including our own, enjoy the ostentatious trade cards of Georgian London, the breathtaking lantern slides of Victorian London, the bizarre car crashes of Clerkenwell, the heroic Spitalfields nippers, the soulful dogs of old London, Aaron Biber, London's oldest barber, and Barn the Spoon, the spoon carver.Take a walk through time with the Gentle Author as your guide - be equally amazed at what has been lost of old London and charmed by the unfamiliar marvels of London today.