Delight children aged under 11 with this comic-strip retelling of the Christmas story. Through the high-quality illustration and text, children will encounter the true story of Christmas, together with quizzes, puzzles, facts and information to help them engage with the story more fully. The Christmas story is told from Mary and the angel Gabriel through to Simeon and Anna, the wise men and flight to Egypt. Throughout, children are pointed back to the Bible, and encouraged to read the Bible text for themselves. The illustrations have been produced by an artist from the Edge Group, who were also responsible for the Manga Bible, many graphic novels of famous Christian books, together with information pamphlets for the UN among others. The accompanying text provides additional fun, with facts, quizzes and puzzles about Christmas, together with information about the significance of the gifts brought by the wise men. This is an ideal accompaniment to school Christmas presentations, such as Christmas Unwrapped or Christmas Cracked. It is also a great Sunday school gift or a stocking filler for Christian and non-Christian children alike.
Illustrated by: Mike Kazybrid