The publication in question offers essential information on dairy farming. The book covers fundamental knowledge on starting an entrepreneurial dairy farming venture, encompassing almost all the key aspects of the field. The information provided is scientific and globally applicable, making it useful for small-scale dairy farming. This book aims to cover all the elements of dairy production, with the ultimate goal of helping dairy owners maintain their animals health.
The book delves into various topics, including breeds and breeding management, housing and feeding management, the basics of dairy animal diseases, disease prevention and control measures, and more. It serves as a comprehensive encyclopedia of dairy husbandry practices, guiding both practicing dairy farmers and aspiring entrepreneurs in starting a dairy farming venture from scratch. The book provides valuable, first-hand knowledge to entrepreneurs looking to start dairy farming by utilizing locally available resources.
The books topics are designed to provide a clear understanding of how to start dairy farming, even with just a glance at the pictorial representations. Additionally, the book promotes the use of non-conventional items commonly found in rural households and their significance in dairy animal rearing.