Lose Weight Here rethinks traditional weight-management techniques by optimizing the two proven components for successful weight loss: low calories and hormone balance. By combining the hormonal science of fat burning with the revolutionary science of spot training, Lose Weight Here shows readers how to reverse metabolic damage so they can get the bodies of their dreams. Lose Weight Here is based on hard science, sound nutritional and psychological data, and remarkable testimonials, which include before-and-after photos from some of the 100,000 people Jade and Keoni Teta have helped in their gym and online. Unlike traditional diets, Lose Weight Here instructs readers on how to successfully alternate between periods when you eat more and exercise more, and periods when you eat less and exercise less. This method deactivates antiburn receptors and targets the belly, butt, hips, and thighs. At last, dieters can lose fat in targeted areas and maintain their results.