In this full-color, comprehensive public speaking text, Gamble and Gamble give students new insights into their role as public communicators. The Gambles view public speaking as a bridge to change: change in knowledge, change in attitudes and beliefs, change in values and behavior. Creating change in a student is a complex undertaking. It is affected by student experiences, needs, culture, expectations, personal codes of ethics, and the ability to think critically. Public Speaking in the Age of Diversity, Second Edition addresses these issues by providing a complete teaching-learning package that promotes active student participation in the learning process. Gamble and Gamble's text is filled with an array of features that are needed by new and experienced teachers alike: relevant content; case studies; activities focusing on diversity, ethics, and critical thinking; professional insights; skill-building exercises; speech samples; and focus group reports.
For those instructors who wish, an Interactive Edition CD-ROM can be packaged FREE with the student text. Public Speaking in the Age of Diversity (Interactive Edition) is a valuable resource and learning tool for students and brings public speaking instruction to a new and exciting level. It contains actual book pages plus five key icons to help further students' learning. With a click of the mouse, students can experience the following:
“Weblink” icon … Go directly to related websites to explore further the people, companies, and topics described in the text.
“Audio” icon … Hear descriptions, explanations, and speech excerpts that extend on information in the text.
“Video” icon … See excerpts from student speeches.
“Activity” icon … Do exercises and activities that reinforce material in the book.
“Practice Test” icon … Take practice tests for review at the end of each chapter.