The Poetry Bug - An Anthology of Writing by Professional Poets, Entomologists, Intellectuals, Musicians and More
Throughout history poets have been drawn to write about insects, and entomologists have been drawn to try their hand at poetry. The concentrated industry of the ant and the delicate beauty of the butterfly, the rituals of the death watch beetle and the ethereal vision of glow worms at dusk, have all been captured in verse. John Tennent spent his childhood with a jam jar and an insatiable curiosity about insects. More than half a century later he is a global authority on butterflies and a dedicated reader of poetry. In the pages of this anthology he brings together classic poets such as Virgil and Byron and modern writers such as Pam Ayres and Peter Redgrove, alongside a wealth of other poets and amateur poets from different continents, to explore the mysterious world of the insect through poetry. Humorous, evocative and informative, The Poetry Bug is a celebration of every type of insect, from caterpillars to bedbugs.