How to Speak Pirate - A Treasure Chest of Seafaring Slang
Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ever wondered what all that pirate slang means? Learn to speak like the saltiest rogue that ever sailed the seven seas using this handy dictionary: ac Find the perfect pirate name ac Learn the intricacies of seafaring grammar ac Try out dating tips for the buccaneering set ac Learn to curse like a sailoraa 17th century one! ac Discover techniques for developing useful phrases, such as "There be itches in me britches!" ac Give instructions the nautical way; guaranteed to make sure "X" marks the spot ac Order a restaurant meal in pirate speak ac Learn the many ways of asking your mateys to go for a drinkaa "modest quencher" ac Celebrate International Talk like a Pirate Day on September 19 with your newfound lingo!