Keeping up with your favorite computer program is no easy task. Just as you're getting to know your way around the application, an updated version hits store shelves. Illustrator 8 is a perfect example. The latest incarnation of this premiere graphics program is chock full of new features and enhancements. Familiarizing yourself with all these changes while trying to master the older ones can be pretty overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be.
Opening up a copy of Illustrator 8 Bible is like bringing a private tutor to your home or office. Illustrator virtuoso and author Ted Alspach walks you through every inch of the program, providing you with practical examples and detailed instruction every step of the way. Not only does he tell you about Illustrator's various and versatile features, he shows you how to use them and push your projects to the next level of creativity. Among the new updates covered are the Gradient Mesh Tool, Live Blends, and Action Palette.
The CD-ROM that accompanies Illustrator 8 Bible includes sample artwork from the book as well as trial versions of Adobe Illustrator 8.0, Dimensions 8.0, Streamline 4.0, and Photoshop 5.0.