Korvaava tuote: 9780201354614 With an estimated 6 million Acrobat Readers installed to date, the Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) has become the standard, cross-platform method for sending and receiving formatted documents online. No matter what kind of system the original PDF file was created on, it can be read on any other system. This makes Acrobat valuable for all kinds of electronic and online publishing.
Acrobat 3 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide is the best way to get up and running quickly with Acrobat. The book focuses on creating and editing PDF files, and teaches how to make PDF files available as Web pages. In addition to teaching Acrobat-specific techniques, the book also provides basic page design principles, tips, and techniques. New features in Acrobat 3 include support for forms and buttons, and the ability to provide single pages to web browsers.