Guide to combat aircraft used for close air support Technical specifications for aircraft in the Gulf and Balkans Illustrated with photographs and scaled line drawings This handy and informative new manual details many of the world's principal combat aeroplanes and helicopters used for close air support. It includes a wide range of aircraft, from the purpose-designed tank-busters such as the Fairchild A-10A Thunderbolt II and Sukhoi Su25, to stealth fighters intended to knock out high-priority targets. Close air support is one of the most exacting tasks for combat aircraft and their crews. They have to provide devastating air power in direct support of ground operations whilst also requiring great accuracy to prevent collateral damage to civilian areas and friendly forces. This requires highly specialised aeroplanes and helicopters armed with 'smart' weapons able to pinpoint targets that have been laser illuminated or 'locked-on' using other guidance methods. This fully illustrated handbook presents a reliable guide, with technical specifications, of such specialised aircraft in use with fighting forces today. Michael J.H.
Taylor has written and edited more than 100 books, and was previously assistant editor to Jane's All the World's Aircraft. Ray Hutchins is the illustrator for all of the GREENHILL MILITARY MANUALS: Artillery, Battle Tanks, Fighting Vehicles, Infantry Support Weapons, Military Transport and Small Arms.
Illustrated by: Ray Hutchins