A complete identification guide to all of the waders found in Europe, Asia and North America.
Waders offer some of the sternest challenges in field birding. This field guide provides the solution – a complete identification reference to all of the sandpipers, plovers, stints and other waders found in Europe, Asia and North America. Superb illustrations show birds at rest and in flight, in every plumage variant likely to be encountered in the region. More than eighty species have been grouped, especially on the flight plates, so that similar species are shown close to each other to avoid confusion.
Facing text concisely summarises key identification pointers including appearance, voice and behaviour to aid quick identification when out and about. Accurate distribution maps are also provided for every species in this field-friendly guide.
A work of great scholarship as well as beauty, this field-friendly book brings the world of these birds of the shoreline to life.
Illustrated by: Stephen Message