This book focuses on the importance of Algae biofuels. It highlights the various tools and technique that are used in the process of extraction of the biofuels from algae. The book is divided into eight chapters which deal with the Algal biofuel source, extraction process, and their uses in the market. Algae have been used commercially for decades, but not for the production of biofuels. Several factors are driving the search for renewed fuel. The consortium of oil depletion, desired dependable energy, the need for carbon neutral renewable fuels can be produced without comprising on the environmental health.
The first chapter of the book provides a comprehensive introduction of the algal biofuels. It also introduces us to the tools and protocols being used for the sustainable development of biofuelsderived from algae. It further highlights the concept of life cycle assessment for algal biofuels and presents different studies approaches in regards to the production of biofuels from algae.The next chapter discusses various pathways that can be adapted for the production of biofuels. It explains all the steps that are necessary to process algae into biofuels. It also introduces and compares various cultivation systems that can be employed to process algal biomass in to fuels followed by the extraction and harvesting techniques for the collection of bio-fuels.
Third chapter in this book talks about the resources inputs (such as water, soil, energy, nutrients) that are requiredfor the production of algal biofuels. algal biofuels. In addition to that, it provides suggestions on how to choose the best algae to maximize the production of bio-fuel. It also presents the concepts of algal farms and artificial rainforests. The ideas are well supported and are based on the recent studies for the production of biofuel at commercial level. The production of algae bio-fuels is technically feasible in a number of ways; and economically and environmentally seems to become a viable substitute for petroleum fuels.
The fourth chapter of this book provides a comprehensive explanation of the various environmental impacts of algal bio-fuels including but not limited to the water and air quality, aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity. The concept of social acceptability of genetically engineered organisms and their impacts environment and its inhabitants have also been discussed.
Chapter five of this book demonstrates algae oils as fuels. The chapter provides a mechanistic approach towards the synthesis of bio-fuels starting from raw material. It provide a comprehensive guide towards the biochemistry for lipid synthesis, substrates requirements for micro algae growth, micro-algal cultivation, followed by trans-esterification techniques towards the preparation of bio-fuels. At the end of this chapter algal fuel properties were also discussed.
Sixth chapter of this book focuses on algal biomass harvesting. It starts with stability and separability characteristics of microalgae. These two characteristics greatly affect the decision to choose on a particular harvesting technology and its performance. Various harvesting methods in use have been discussed in detail. The last part of this chapter explains the importance of bioremediation as the process does not involve the use of any chemical and allows the wastes to be recycled into useful product.
Chapter seven of this book deals will economic production issues related to the bio-fuels. It presents various methodologies for the cost analysis of algal biofuel production.The last chapter of this talks about the next generation of bioalgal fuels for example green fuel from green algae. It also presents some data and information about the companies that are making biofuels from algae.
Hence, the book highlights methodological challenges, recent advances and opportunities towards the production of algal biofuels. The book would be of particular interest to the graduate and the post graduate students and researchers of Applied Biology, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering, working on algae biofuels.