The third edition of this directory was created to assist undergraduate students and their advisors in identifying graduate programs in psychology that have specific training emphases in clinical child psychology and/or pediatric psychology. It is not intended as a substitute for the Handbook of Graduate Studies in Psychology published by the American Psychological Association; it is intended as a complementary resource. While various criteria have been proposed to define what constitutes a program emphasis or track in clinical child psychology and pediatric psychology, no specific definition was imposed in creating this directory. The intent was to update the directory to include all programs with APA approval (clinical, counseling, and school programs) that self-define as offering training in "clinical child psychology" and/or "pediatric psychology." Although not an official publication of the American Psychological Association or APA's Division 12, this directory was created with the support of the Section on Clinical Child Psychology (Section I) and the Society of Pediatric Psychology (Section V) of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the APA.