"In-house practice is a growing area and the In-house Lawyers' Toolkit is the only precedent and toolkit resource available which is exclusively devoted to the requirements of this important sector. This unique toolkit provides an accessible, relevant resource for both new and experienced in-house practitioners to work from, adapt, and to act as a catalyst for their thinking to provide timely, high quality and cost-effective advice to their organisation. In particular, it will lead the practitioner through the processes of managing an in-house function, including: The development of a strategy for legal services in your organisation How to decide what legal services to buy, and from where Appointing, reviewing, managing and ending Panel relationships Working with alternative legal sourcing providers Managing the in-house team, and Leveraging and demonstrating value. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM which contains valuable and time-saving precedents allowing the reader to identify and implement best practice in their own in-house environment, and to develop and adapt systems and processes as appropriate. "