In this novel, the story follows the SOS Brigade'sfirst movie making project, starring Mikuru Asahina as the main protagonist.Additionally, Nagato is made the antagonist in the movie and Koizumi is theconflict hero, who is supposed to end happily ever after with Mikuru, but facescompeting interests from Nagato. Haruhi comes up with the idea that the SOSBrigade needs to do something for the upcoming cultural festival. Her class isdoing a questionnaire, which is boring in her mind. She decides to make a movie,starring Mikuru. However, Haruhi begins to confuse the movie world with the realworld, and the real world begins to become more like her movie. The pigeons infront of the shrine turn white, then into Passenger Pigeons, cherry treesblossom in autumn, Mikuru begins to shoot lasers out of her eyes, and the catShamisen begins to talk. By the efforts of Itsuki and Yuki, Kyon eventuallyconvinces Haruhi to add a disclaimer at the end that the movie is a work offiction. Overnight, the movie apparently edits itself, and is shown. With thedisclaimer, Haruhi herself realizes it is a work of fiction, and the worldreverts back to normal.
Visual artist(s): Noizi Ito