What if you woke up one morning, and everythingchanged?It's one week before Christmas Eve, and Haruhi and the S.O.S. Brigade (aclub for her high school's strangest and most extraordinary students) aregearing up for holiday festivities. But just before the fun kicks off, Kyon, theonly "normal" member, wakes up in a weird alternate dimension, one where Haruhiattends another school entirely, Nagato the time traveling robot is just anordinary human, and Mikuru (the cute girl of Kyon's dreams) doesn't evenrecognize him-in other words, S.O.S. Brigade never existed.The only clue Kyoncan find is a bookmark left by the robot version of Nagato, which leads him on aquest back in time, where he interacts with the storyline from "Bamboo LeafRhapsody", a short story from the previous Haruhi book, The Boredom of HaruhiSuzumiya. This fun and quirky holiday tale is reminiscent of A Christmas Caroland It's a Wonderful Life.
Visual artist(s): Noizi Ito