Visits to museums have long been an important aspect of the education of young people and in recent years it has been increasingly recognised that education is core to the purpose of the museum. Not only do they introduce students to the many and varied forms of our material culture, they also introduce them to social, historical and scientific encounters that are difficult to find elsewhere. The second edition of this popular book takes account of the ongoing changes in both museums and education to provide a comprehensive introduction for student teachers, practising teachers and other educators to all that is required to make good educational use of museums. It explores what a museum is, their value in primary and secondary education and why they require special teaching skills. It then goes on to look at the practicalities of planning, preparing and conducting a visit, including risk assessment. Next, it introduces the basic skills involved in working with the resources that are required to make the best educational use of museums, including online and digital resources. Finally, the author considers ways of following-up work done outside the classroom, including some of the longer term strategies that teachers should consider.