Today’s generations can affect the future ecosystem more than any previous generations and aggravate the welfare of future people. People who have not yet been born are excluded from political decisions important to their lives. Due to the future generations’ lack of influence, current generations have a responsibility to act.
The current generation's responsibility for the well-being of future generations has been used as an argument for an increasing number of legislative and policy measures across the world but are rarely followed up in practice.
This book examines when commitments to future generations are followed up in practice and in what situations they are not.
A concept of solidarity with future generations is developed and applied to four policy areas: the UN 2030 Agenda, national political institutions for future generations, constitutions and climate lawsuits, and regulations of economic debt or savings for future generations. Germany and Norway are selected as cases to evaluate what the commitments might entail in practice.
The book highlights where the gaps emerge, and what needs to be done. The failing transition from the global to the national level highlights a need for stronger cosmopolitan elements in the international political system. Institutional bindings are generally weak at the national level. Financial restrictions show it is possible to establish strong institutional constraints, but the focus on financial resources is too narrow. Both national and global institutional bindings must be strengthened to show social solidarity with future generations.