Horticultural crops are a valuable commodity that can provide significant returns to growers, with numerous opportunities for value addition. Market-driven agriculture emphasizes quality at every stage of production, making total quality management a challenge for horticulturists. The book Horticultural Crop Management covers the scientific management of horticultural crops, beginning with the selection of soil and continuing through the production and handling of fresh produce in the field. It also covers topics such as the scope of value addition, organic farming, protected cultivation, export potential, and economic analysis of production.
Unfortunately, the average per capita availability of fruits and vegetables in India is insufficient to meet the nutritional and protective dietary requirements of the population. Of the total horticulture production, only 67% is used for local consumption, while 30% is subject to post-harvest losses, 2% is exported, and 0.8% is processed.
There is a significant opportunity for developing the market for horticultural produce. Changes in food habits, lifestyles, health consciousness, and purchasing power have created an unprecedented chance for farmers and horticultural entrepreneurs. This book aims to link all stakeholders in horticulture to the scientific information on horticultural crop management. The first part of the book focuses on the management of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, while the second part covers plantation crops and spices.