Wounds have existed since the beginning of time, and records of their nature and treatment are found in the earliest documents. Interestingly, many of these treat ments are now being rediscovered or re-used in modern-day clinical practice. In addition to the diverse nature of treatments that have been suggested as being beneficial for wounds, over many centuries there has been a range of clinicians who have cared for patients with wounds, and in many parts of the world today it is not doctors but other professional colleagues - e. g. nurses or podiatrists - who are the most knowledgeable persons on wounds and wound treatments. Finally, the nature of wounds seen in clinical practice is changing. Increasing destructive power is resulting in more severe injuries occurring in patients involved in conflict. Developments in surgical techniques have enabled new surgical procedures to be offered to patients, but novel and more severe complications can result from such technical advances. In addition, many societies around the world are having to deal with an increasing ageing population, and huge increases in the number of patients suffering from chronic wounds are being seen. In summary, expanding treatment options, diverse groups of clinicians caring for patients and changes in the nature of wounds seen in clinical practice are real issues that have to be faced, and solutions have to be found if patients are to receive optional care for their wounds.