The species Homo sapiens sapiens appeared on Earth at least 100,000 years, evolved from Homo erectus lived between 1.5 million and 700,000 years ago. In 2003 was discovered a new species of hominid, Homo florensiensis lived until 13,000 years ago. This appears to have evolved from Homo habilis lived around 2 million years ago. The genesis of modern man took place, from the standpoint of evolution, in time to say the least rapid, contains a secret "divine." The myth of the gods, that all peoples of the world have been handed down from generation to generation, is not a legend or a stupid belief born from the minds of superstitious people and underdeveloped. If you want to know who we are and where we're going ... then this book is for you! Fiction or reality? In the end you will decide this ....