Yale French Studies, Number 106 - The Power of Rhetoric, the Rhetoric of Power: Jean Paulhan’s Fiction, Criticism, and Editorial
1. Jean Paulhan as Editor and Critic
Bernard Baillaud Jean Paulhan’s Influences
Brigitte Ouvry-Vial The Double Necessity of Criticism and Self-Effacement
Martyn Cornick Jean Paulhan and the Nouvelle Revue Française
2. Rhetoric and What Really Happens
Michael Syrotinski The Rhetoric of Illness in Jean Paulhan
Carol Murphy Re-presenting the Real
Kevin Newmark On Parole
3. Rhetoric and Politics
Anna-Louise Milne The Power of Dissimulation
Laurent Jenny Paulhan, Blanchot and Le 14 juillet
Richard Rand Grave Site
4. The Power of Literature
Jean-Yves Pouilloux Faultlines
Eric Trudel “Those Who Have Fallen Silent”
Julien Dieudonné The Power of Poetics, the Poetics of Power
5. Two texts by Jean Paulhan
“A Bee”
“Democracy Calls out to the First Comer” (translated by Jennifer Bajorek)