Korvaava tuote: 9780321457424 One of the high-quality, low-priced entries in Longman¿s Penguin Academic Series, A Short Guide to College Writing is a clear, graceful, authoritative brief rhetoric focused on academic writing. Engagingly written by a well-known author team, A Short Guide to College Writing offers practical advice on writing college essays from the beginning of the process to the end. The student can turn to this book for advice about matters large and small—choosing a topic, writing an analysis, constructing a paragraph, using and documenting sources, punctuating a quotation. Instructors can suggest chapters for students to consult in revising a draft, editing a revision, or preparing a final copy. Although discussion and examples of description and narration are included, the emphasis is on analysis, argument, and research. Students are taught the essential skills for effective college writing—skills they will need when writing for a first-year composition course, or for an art history course or cultural studies seminar.