The discipline of Development Economics continues to enjoy a virtual monopoly in offering an adequate explanation for the nature of the development process and suggesting viable strategies to change the world for the better. Herein lies its importance and the rationale for this timely volume.
Carrying on from his earlier publication by SAGE, in this book the author tries to answer the question: Is development economics a paradigm with a significant territory of its own? The book presents development economics as performing a useful role in seeking to explain the multi-dimensional complexity of the process of economic development not just economic growth, and in offering sensible remedies to resolve such complexity to everyone's advantage.
The book suggests that development economics is undisputed in dealing with the perennial problems of human existence. The author stresses that the process of economic development is too complex to be left to simple uni-dimensional quick-fixes which generally fail to produce the desired results. In the process, he highlights the inadequacy of neo-classical economics.