In honor of Professor Michio Suzuki's 70th birthday, a conference was held at the International Christian University (Tokyo, Japan). This book presents the proceedings of that conference. Professor Suzuki had a profound influence on the development of group theory over the last 50 years. It's generally believed that his work in the 1950s ignited work on the classification of finite simple groups, and in the 1960s and 1970s, he was a leader in its development.Just prior to his death in 1998, Professor Suzuki completed a 150-page manuscript containing his most recent contribution to group theory. This paper, 'On the Prime Graph of a Finite Simple Group - an Application of the Method of Feit-Thompson-Bender-Glauberman', is included in this volume. Here, the editors have been meticulous in making minimal corrections to the work in order to honor the writing style and original flow of Professor Suzuki's thoughts. The book also includes contributions from the speakers at the conference, as well as papers from researchers who shared close ties with Professor Suzuki.
Other: Eiichi Bannai