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This immediately engaging composition resource features a thematically-organized collection of readings, a modes-based rhetoric, and a concise handbook.
Between Worlds opens with more than 75 multi-genre readings reflecting the human condition of being “in between”—generations, cultures, genders, perceptions, points of view. A research chapter with information on using and documenting sources in MLA and APA style and a brief handbook section are also included. Between Worlds emphasizes the importance of reading, critical thinking, and analysis in all writing.
0321881885 / 9780321881885 Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook Plus NEW MyCompLab -- Access Card Package
Package consists of
0205251269 / 9780205251261 Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook
020589190X / 9780205891900 NEW MyCompLab - Valuepack Access Card