This document describes the method of determining the total moisture content of a sample of solid biofuels by drying in an oven and should be used when high precision of the determination of moisture content is necessary. The method described in thisdocument is applicable to all solid biofuels.
The total moisture content of biofuels is not an absolute value and conditions for its determination have to be standardised to enable comparative determinations to be made.
NOTE The term moisture content when used with biomass materials can be misleading since untreated biomass frequently contains varying amounts of volatile compounds (extractives) which may evaporate when determining moisture content by oven drying.
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75.160 Polttoaineet
CEN/TS 14774-1:fi käännös julkaisusta CEN/TS 14774-1:en
SFS-EN 14774-1 korvaa julkaisun CEN/TS 14774-1:en
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