Analogue filters will always be needed for interfacing between digital systems and the 'real' analogue world. In fact, the high frequency integrated analogue filter has become a key component in achieving ubiquitous communication and computing. In recent years, the renewed interest in analogue, mixed-signal and RF circuits due to the need for system-on-chip design and the market for wireless communications has led to a new peak of research into high frequency integrated analogue filters.
This book brings together the leading researchers in high frequency analogue filters to highlight recent advances and identify promising directions for future development. Coverage includes Gm-C filters, MOSFET-C filters, active-LC filters, logdomain filters, switched-current filters, adaptive analogue filters and on-chip automatic filter tuning. The topical nature of the book and calibre of the authors ensures that this book will be of great interest to the electronics and communications communities worldwide.