Produced in partnership with OCR for the 2008 OCR A Level Biology specification, this Student Book offers accessible and engaging material, and focus on the integration of How Science Works to help students understand the underlying principles of science.
- OCR Biology terminology is used throughout to ensure students are acquainted with the type of vocabulary used in the exams.
- Structured in line with the OCR specification with exciting content presented as double page spreads to help students easily assimilate and locate information.
- Stretch and Challenge sections throughout the book support this part of the specification.
- Plenty of worked examples and exam-style questions demonstrate how to approach complex questions.
- Contains learning objectives within the spreads, taken from the specification, as well as questions to test understanding and knowledge.
- FREE Exam Café CD-ROM, containing an array of student-friendly study, revision and exam preparation tools to support students and enable them to prepare thoroughly for their exams.