Korvaava tuote: 9780132853330 This text, written by one of the foremost authorities in the field, provides the building blocks for understanding effective practices in early childhood education. Building upon the Developmentally Appropriate Practice framework that she conceptualized, Sue Bredekamp shows how effective teaching practices can make a difference in the lives of young children. The book is designed to prepare a new generation of early childhood professionals by helping them construct a cohesive understanding of this dynamic field by reading about it in Bredekamp’s clear and engaging presentation, seeing it in action through integrated classroom videos, and reinforcing it online in MyEducationLab assignable exercises.
Demonstrates How Current Research Informs Effective Practices
- Each chapter includesWhat Works, which presents research-based practices in action, including descriptions of demonstrated effective practices such as dialogic reading and engaging children in planning.
- Expert’s Lens features focus on culture, linguistic diversity, and children with disabilities and special needs. Preeminent professionals in the field–Carol Copple, Carol Brunson Day, Gail Joseph, and Luis Hernandez–present their perspectives on key topics.
- The terms and definitions used in this text contribute to establishing a shared vocabulary for all of those in and entering the field.
Describes What Effective Teachers Do to Enhance Children’s Learning and Development
- This text emphasizes the notion that effective teachers are purposeful in everything they do. Effective teachers have the knowledge to make informed decisions and adapt for individual differences in children throughout the day.
- Becoming an Intentional Teacher features get into the heads of what teachers are thinking and how and why they select the strategies they do.
- How Would You Respond? features are critical thinking, classroom-based exercises that ask students to make informed decisions to address situations.
- Chapter 9, Teaching to Enhance Learning and Development, is a unique, practical chapter that focuses on teaching strategies that work.
- Building Teaching Skills and Dispositions on MyEducationLab are assignable exercises in key areas such as planning a culturally responsive curriculum and making decisions about what is developmentally appropriate.
Focuses on Curriculum Content and What Is Important for Children’s Learning and Development
- Chapters 12—15 focus on the goals for young children’s learning and development in language, literacy, and the arts; math, science, and technology; social-emotional learning and social studies; and physical fitness and health.
- Play is integrated throughout as an effective means to support all domains of development and promote effective learning in all curriculum content areas.
- The emphasis on implementing effective curriculum includes current issues, such as the goal of aligning prekindergarten and primary education, research on what predicts later success in school, and expectations for teacher qualifications.