Susan Stronge brings together a beautifully curated treasury of the greatest wonders to survive from on of the most elegant and refined courts in world history. This, truly, is the art of a golden age. William Dalrymple
The Great Mughals presents, for the first time the opulent, internationalist culture of Mughal Hindustan in the age of its greatest emperors: Akbar (r.1556-1605), Jahangir (r.1605-1627) and Shah Jahan (r. 1628-1658). Providing a compelling new narrative to describe the origins of Moghul art, it explores how a huge Iranian influence permeated the sophisticated craft traditions of the Indian subcontinent to create a distinctively Mughal court are included: from contemporary portraits to jewelled gold vessels and carpets. In chapters that conjure the unique dynamics of each reign, essays with historical sweep combine with texts focused on important objects to tell unexpected stories about a dynasty perhaps best known for commissioning the Taj Mahal.