The book: "PACKET TRACER FOR YOUNG BEGINNING ADMINS" provides advice for people who want to learn about the operation of networks and the hardware that makes up today's network architecture. Beginners will learn how to download the simulator software and how to start working with it.
The reader will find here the basics of configuring network devices. He will learn network services such as: TELNET, SSH, FTP, EMAIL, DHCP, DNS and routing protocols RIP, EIGRP, OSPF. Learn how to design and deploy virtual VLAN networks. The authors, describing the issues of administering computer networks, use many examples and exercises.
The book is an updated compilation of our Packet Tracer publications for CISCO courses, has a described, changed interface of the currently latest Packet Tracer software and contains a set of new examples and exercises.
Translated by: Joanna Margowniczy