The European Review of Social Psychology is an e-first journal published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. Visit for the journal's full Aims and Scope.
Like all volumes of the European Review of Social Psychology, Volume 19 contains articles written by leading researchers in the field of social psychology. Several articles review research on intergroup relations conducted from different perspectives. The topics covered range from the social neuroscience of intergroup relations (Amodio), to emotions in intergroup relations (Iyer et al.), to improving intergroup attitudes and reducing stereotype threat (Crisp & Abrams), and to attributing and denying humanness to others (Haslam et al.). Two articles review programs of attitude research ("The structure and function of attitude strength" by Eaton et al., and "When and why do implicit measures predict behaviour" by Friese et al.). Finally, Karremans & van Lange report their work on forgiveness in personal relationships, Sassenberg & Woltin discuss research on group-based self-regulation and Papies et al. present a series of studies testing their goal conflict model of eating.