The folk of the city of Paladria have two passions: galley-racing and political intrigue. Into this environment comes Mirko Ascalon, a disgraced former galley-master from the nearby realm of Garganet. Mirko accepts a commission to train the crew of Serendipity, the galley of ambitious politician Bartazan of Bartazan House. Soon Mirko begins to realise the scope of the task facing him: his crew is inept and demotivated, Bartazan is planning to use the galley as a tool in his political ambitions; and Mirko's decision to sell information to Bartazan's rivals is unlikely to improve matters. Can he make Serendipity a force to challenge Bartazan's invincible rival Dragonchaser? Variously described as "built on a satisfyingly solid foundation...executed with engaging brio,""well built, light and resilient" and "first rate," Dragonchaser will delight all lovers of literate fantasy.