In Subversive Meals, Alan Streett follows on from James C Scott's idea of a "hidden transcript" to argue that the Lord's Supper was a subversive, non-violent act against the Roman Empire. Primarily through exegesis of the writings of Luke and Paul, Streett examines the political nature of the meal in the context of first-century Roman domination. In his widely researched argument, Streett illuminates for the reader why understanding the Lord's Supper as a purely symbolic act overlooks the political significance it would have had in the first century CE. Subversive Meals analyses how the structure of the Lord's Supper followed that of a Roman banquet by having a deipon and a symposium, the latter being the time when anti-resistance discussions would take place. Streett examines several aspects of the history, context and theological significance of the Lord's Supper. He discusses such topics as the identification of Passover as an anti-imperial meal against the Pharaoh's rule, the Roman domination system, the meal practices of Jesus, the eschatological meaning of the Last Supper, the practice of this anti-imperial work ethic in the early church, and the gift of prophecy as a symposium activity. By seeing the Lord's Supper as a political act, readers will be able to study Scriptural passages more closely and precisely.