An amusing tale of dogs and cats, mice and men and time travel. More importantly it is a story of institutional bureaucracy and crass incompetence. A story of bureaucrats smothered by the meeting culture. The Chronokinetic Institute is a top-secret government research facility that everyone seems to know about. Peter Flybeck is a highly qualified scientist who never had an interest in history, but as he said, it is different when you are forced to live and smell it. He is one of the few people in this saga who has any idea what he is doing, in spite of his habit of breakfasting on tranquillisers before a mission. His assistants, Alvin and Annabel, are possible exceptions, but certain members of his team would be perfect candidates for the position of village idiot. It is worth considering what Annabel's knickers are doing in 1944. One of the other ladies in Peter's life is the very lovely Valeria that he met in a bar, but was that an accident? Is she all she seems?