'Funny, clever and sharper than a bag of pitchforks...' Clementine Ford'Every time Andrew P Street commits pen to paper is like someone loading a catapult with truth bombs.' Benjamin Law'Andrew P Street's insight into the Australian political circus is no less serious for being, by turns, droll, quick-witted, tenderly sympathetic and often laugh- out-loud hilarious.' Van BadhamThe even more elaborately-titled sequel to The Short and Excruciatingly Embarrassing Reign of Captain Abbott, this is a tale of a muddling and middling prime minister and his attempts to steer his inertia-heavy government away from electoral disaster.It details the litany of gaffes, blunders and questionable calls that followed from the bold promise of mature politics offered by Malcolm Turnbull on the day he did Tony Abbott out of the top job. With a whimsical cast of Delusional Conservatives and Mal-contents and the ever-present ghost of the ex-PM rattling his chains, Street attempts to answer the question, 'How did the government win an election when it apparently wasn't sure if it wanted to govern anymore?' Who would have thought Mr Harbourside McMansion would come to this?Andrew P Street offers a unique take on politics Australian style.
You know, again.