MY FIRST LOVE is a worship chronicle that is designed to bring people into a deeper relationship with the LORD. In the book of Revelations, the 2nd chapter, the apostle/prophet John received a word from the Lord Jesus that was directed to the church of Ephesus. Though they were a church that was successful, patient, discerning, and doing the works of the Lord, there was yet still a charge to them from God concerning their forsakenness of their first love, which was He. In this present hour we can see a lot of comparisons with the state in which the body of Christ (the church) has slipped into. In this book, author LeShawn Streater will take you through different passages and accounts in the Word of God were worship to God was significant and primary in the lives of those who believe in Him. The desire is that the Holy Spirit uses this message as a tool to bring you and every reader into the place where Jesus Christ becomes your first love all over again and remains just that. "We love Him, because He first loved us." - 1 John 4:19