ECDL Module 4: Spreadsheets - ECDL - the European PC standard
****** Preface -ntb hook b imendf..'d to help you ,ucU' ...,fully complete the te.,t for Module 4 of the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL). However before we start working throu~h Ihe actual contenl of the guide you may find it useful to know a lillie hit more :llxJUt Ihe ECDL in general;lI1d where thi' particular Module fils into the overall framework. What Is The ECDL? The European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is a Europc:ln-wide qualific-Jlion thaI enables I")(."ople 10 demon.~t1":lle their l"Ompctel1(~e in computer !okilb. It certifies the C-J.ndidate'" knowledge;lI1d compctcn("e in pen;onal computer usclgC;Lt a hasie level and is IXlsed upon a "ingle :LgrCLxI "yll:Lbu~. This "yllabu" eoers :L mnge of ~pccific knowk."