Dragons, demons and dybbuks: an illustrated encyclopedia of Eastern mythology from Egypt to Asia. This is an authoritative A to Z guide to the mythologies and legends of the East, from ancient Egypt to Japan. It features over 500 alphabetical entries that describe the central mythical figures of each culture and their importance to the ancient civilizations of the day. Superb pictorial spreads illustrate the themes and symbols at the heart of each culture, from the Pyramids and Ziggurats of Egypt and Babylon, to the Sacred Rivers of India, and the Seven Gods of Fortune of Japan. This magnificent book reveals the powerful and evocative mythologies of the East in all their glory. Mythological themes include Yin and Yang, the avatars of Vishnu, demons and black magic, and the incarnations of the mother goddess. The book covers Asia, ancient Egypt, Persia, Asia Minor, Sumer, Babylon, India, China and Japan, and explores legends of the gods who have shaped Eastern religion and Western philosophy.Illustrated with over 500 evocative photographs, this fascinating guide brings to life to the mythology of the gods and goddesses, heroes, sacred animals and places of the East in a highly readable and accessible style.