This book has taken many years to write, mainly because I didn't start out with the intention of writing a book. Many years ago, as an apprentice Rock Star (ok, so that part is only in my head, but...) I discovered I had a slight talent for writing Poetry/Song Lyrics. My very good friend, George Hinchliffe, of Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain fame, even set one of my songs to music and was brave enough to perform it with his then band, Stuff, on more than one occasion. And, years later, as my career in Race Car design ground to a halt due to health problems, it was George who suggested that I should start writing again, claiming that he believed I was actually quite good at it; so he's to blame if you disagree with this theory, not me! Seriously though, this book is a cross-sectional collection of many of the Poems and Songs I've written, with George's encouragement, over the years and it's his belief in my abilities that has led me to produce this book.