The importance of light to a room is an uncontroversial truth, however very few guidebooks come as close as Perfect Lighting to fully unravelling the tools and techniques required to harness this natural asset. The book is divided into three main parts, in order for the reader to fully absorb the concept of lighting in the home; the latest spectrum of lighting schemes; and the sheer variety of effects that can be achieved -while at the same time fulfilling a balance of lighting needs in the home. The first section, 'What Lighting Can Do in Your Home', shows the effects of lighting and what it creates, demonstrating the key principles of lighting design. Topics are illustrated with 'feature spreads' and checklists to show how a specific room scheme has been conceived. 'Light as a Decorative Tool' shows specific lighting effects -such as concealed lighting for display in a dining room or backlighting a stairwell in the hallway. Specific lighting solutions are highlighted and explained throughout.
The final section, 'Lighting at Work: Room by Room' demonstrates the key considerations when planning your lighting; how to link and divide spaces, enhance a small space with lighting, provide focal points etc. The book uses real locations to show examples of the techniques room by room. Sally Story gives expert advice throughout on creating dynamic visual statements in every home space, using lighting as a tool to provoke and intrigue. With a comprehensive directory to the vast range of state-of-the-art light fittings and fixtures, Perfect Lighting is the complete package -a source of real vision, inspiration and instruction.